Functions used even in the introductory examples of the current edition of the openGL red book are not available in thie openGl binding.
The binding is not up-to-date with the current openGL 4.6.
This is presumably Khronos is no longer providing the old format specfiles, and instead has adopted xml.
Handling likely requires a rewrite of the program that reads the specfiles and produces Racket code.
I'm looking into doing this unless someone else is really eager or has already started.
Is there anything I need to know that I don't?
I'm a beginner with modern openGL. (I last used it before the shader revolution)
I'm doing this so I can follow the red book to learn to use the current openGL.
I am a Linux-only user, and cannot test on Windows. (the only WIndows machine I have access to is an ancient Windows 95 laptop)
I've started writing a replacement for readspec.rkt to handle the new XML file format that Khronos now uses for the specfiles. So far I've produced #defines for the enum values. There's lots more to come.
Functions used even in the introductory examples of the current edition of the openGL red book are not available in thie openGl binding. The binding is not up-to-date with the current openGL 4.6. This is presumably Khronos is no longer providing the old format specfiles, and instead has adopted xml. Handling likely requires a rewrite of the program that reads the specfiles and produces Racket code. I'm looking into doing this unless someone else is really eager or has already started. Is there anything I need to know that I don't?
-- hendrik