stephanheinemann / worldwind

NASA Worldwind extensions for SWIM-based planning decision-making and support
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Consider Static Threading Analysis #78

Open stephanheinemann opened 2 years ago

stephanheinemann commented 2 years ago

Some deadlocks have been observed and addressed but a static deadlock analysis should be considered to mitigate potential latent and future issues. Monitor candidates include Scenario as well as concrete anytime and online Planners:

Found one Java-level deadlock:

"pool-11-thread-1": waiting to lock monitor 0x00007f90c02dca00 (object 0x0000000085316b08, a com.cfar.swim.worldwind.planners.rrt.oadrrt.OADRRTreePlanner), which is held by "pool-2-thread-8" "pool-2-thread-8": waiting to lock monitor 0x0000560b0cea7e00 (object 0x00000000821895c0, a com.cfar.swim.worldwind.session.Scenario), which is held by "pool-6-thread-1" "pool-6-thread-1": waiting to lock monitor 0x00007f90c02dca00 (object 0x0000000085316b08, a com.cfar.swim.worldwind.planners.rrt.oadrrt.OADRRTreePlanner), which is held by "pool-2-thread-8"

Java stack information for the threads listed above:

"pool-11-thread-1": at com.cfar.swim.worldwind.planners.rrt.oadrrt.OADRRTreePlanner.notifyProgress(

Found 1 deadlock.