stephanrauh / ngx-extended-pdf-viewer

A full-blown PDF viewer for Angular 16, 17, and beyond
Apache License 2.0
449 stars 167 forks source link

Support for Angular 18 #2351

Closed krausep closed 3 weeks ago

krausep commented 4 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. It is not related to a problem, it's a feature request.

Describe the solution you'd like I'd like for ngx-extended-pdf-viewer to support Angular 18.

Describe alternatives you've considered I haven't considered any alternatives.

Additional context Angular 18 was made generally available on May 22, 2024. I've enjoyed using ngx-extended-pdf-viewer and would like to update my application to Angular 18. Please let me know if there is a preferred way to raise this request. Thank you for maintaining this library!

stephanrauh commented 3 weeks ago

Version 20.5.0-alpha.1 supports Angular 18. I've called it an alpha version because I did some non-trivial changes and I want to test it for a while, but everything seems to be working, so I guess it'll become a regular version soon.

The older versions are also compatible to Angular 18, but I didn't declare that in the package.json, so you need to use a force install (npm install --force ngx-extended-pdf-viewer).