stephanrauh / ngx-extended-pdf-viewer

A full-blown PDF viewer for Angular 16, 17, and beyond
Apache License 2.0
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Specify An Image when adding an image #2384

Closed OssNass closed 4 days ago

OssNass commented 1 week ago

The current behavior of adding image is opening requires the browsing for local image

Is there a possibility to maintain the same image adding feature but without the browsing window, I mean I want to be able to add a specific image to the PDF with the ability to change size and location using drag and drop.

The current method of adding a specific image doesn't allow for drag and drop resize, while adding a general image does. I would like to fusion these 2 methods

stephanrauh commented 4 days ago

I think this workaround solves your issue:

Best regards, Stephan

OssNass commented 3 days ago

I kind feel dump, as after I posted this I figured it out

stephanrauh commented 3 days ago

Welcome to my world :) - but seriously, you have a point. There are attributes for many other buttons, so why's the attribute for the "stamp editor" missing? And shouldn't a "high level API" provide an option to activate dragging? At the moment, I'm drowning in a flood of new tickets, but once the tide recedes, I'll probably add these features.