stephbuon / posextract

Grammatical information extraction methods designed for the analysis of historical and contemporary textual corpora.
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long sentence #138

Closed stephbuon closed 1 year ago

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

For twenty-five years, I think the noble Lord on the Woolsack said last night, the question of licensing has been before the public of this country; and however strong the objections of noble Lords, or those otherwise interested in these proposals may be, it would surely have been possible for them to have accepted the proposals as they are, and to have modified them if experience had shown that they were unduly hard, but they are certainly not novel.

I think For years -> get rid of I think certainly -> get rid of I think novel -> get rid of Lord said surely Lord said possible Lord said otherwise interested Lord said however strong question been surely -> get rid of question been before public question been possible -> get rid of question been otherwise interested -> get rid of question been however strong -> get rid of it been surely it been possible it been otherwise interested -> get rid of it been however strong -> get rid of those be otherwise interested them accepted proposals experience shown hard (just have one) experience shown unduly hard (ditto above) they were hard (just have one) they were unduly hard (ditto above) they not are certainly they not are novel

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

sent = 'Yesterday I met one of the most prominent leaders in Yorkshire of the textile workers in this country, and being interested in this matter I naturally asked him whether he was for or against the Bill and what were his views upon it, and what the men thought of it, and that gentleman said— \"To tell you candidly, John, the men don\'t know anything at all about it, and don\'t think about it. \"'

I met most prominent I met one I met interested -> get rid of I asked him I asked naturally men thought what men thought of it men n't know anything men n't know about all men n't know about it men n't know at John n't know anything -> get rid of John n't know about all -> get rid of John n't know about it -> get rid of John n't know at -> get rid of

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

A person talking about another person talking

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

We would need to retain spaCy.