stephbuon / posextract

Grammatical information extraction methods designed for the analysis of historical and contemporary textual corpora.
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get rid of not in some leftward examples #155

Closed stephbuon closed 1 year ago

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

sent = 'To go still further back, he could not discover why ministers had rejected the mediation of Russia.'


ministers rejected mediation he not go still he not go back he not go further

get rid of not

sent = 'Although looking back to the circumstances of the time when the Union was proposed, and the feelings which then actuated him, he was not certain that he would not take the same course again, if similarly situated; yet, adverting to the whole of the question, considering what had passed since, and observing the manner in which the Union had benefited Ireland, he was prepared to say, that formerly he was, perhaps, mistaken.'

get rid of not in he not look back and not in he not situated similarly

While agreeing with the noble Earl that we were rightly neutral in the war, he could not agree with him that, because we were neutral in the war, we should therefore be indifferent in the settlement of Italy.

fix he not agreeing with earl

sent = 'Having seized upon a district, they did not attempt to establish themselves permanently or to organize any form of Government; but after a while moved on to some other place, leaving that which they had occupied utterly desolate.'

fix not seize

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

To go still further back, he could not discover why ministers had rejected the mediation of Russia.

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

But owing to the Independents getting the upper hand soon after, and other causes of disagreement, the Presbyterian discipline was never carried into effect, except to a certain extent in London and Lancashire.

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

While agreeing with the noble Earl that we were rightly neutral in the war, he could not agree with him that, because we were neutral in the war, we should therefore be indifferent in the settlement of Italy.

stephbuon commented 1 year ago

@stephbuon -- re-evaluate ungrammatical due to not