stephenadhi / pedsim_ros

Pedestrian simulator powered by the social force model
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Pedsim agent avoid robot #1

Open NamTruongTran0 opened 1 year ago

NamTruongTran0 commented 1 year ago

Hey Stephen,

thank you so much for your help. I fixed the issue. Now i can start your house example.

do you know which parameter should i change to update the global costmap more frequently? In my video you can see the agent walking from point A to point B but the path is very short thats why the global costmap always mark the path of the agent as an obstacle.

Link to the video:

Thank you in advance stephen ;)

stephenadhi commented 10 months ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply. The navigation is unfortunately out of the scope of this package. However, I am planning to release some examples using Nav2 in a separate repository in the near future :)

BadrEssabri commented 2 months ago

@NamTruongTran0: I saw that you edited your comment with the original asking "The pedsim agents always avoiding the robot while walking. Where can i change this setting? I want that the agent not avoiding the robot."

I had a similar question. My problem is that the agents (from the simulation) do not even see human. I also do not see in change in the social force, when they are near. This leads to the agents colliding with the robot.

Have you fixed this issue? Or maybe @stephenadhi can help solving this?

I have looked at other git issues from the original repo, but those proposed solutions did not work for me:

BadrEssabri commented 2 months ago

Nevermind, I found the solution to the problem.

In case anyone else encounters this issue, you should consider these things:

  1. Make sure that on the topic /pedsim_simulator/robot_position, the robot position is being published

  2. In the scenario file you have created a robot agent (denoted by type 2), like this:

    The waypoints do not seem to matter that much. I am using nav2 for the robot controller and planner and it works even when not considering any of the waypoints set in the scenario file.

  3. This might also be necessary, but I have not tested it: In the config file of the pedsim_simulator package, you need to set the robot_mode (op_mode in the config file) to 0, like this:

pedsim_simulator: ros__parameters: odom_frame_id: "map" <------ (4) base_frame_id: "base_footprint" groups_enabled: true max_robot_speed: 0.3 update_rate: 25.0 simulation_factor: 1.0 op_mode: 0 <------- (3)

  1. Lastly make sure that the parent frame of the both the agents and the robot align. As you can see in the config file, I set the odom_frame_id to "map" so that the frames align.