stephencelis / SQLite.swift

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SchemaReader column definitions are incomplete for composite primary keys #1216

Closed stefansaasen closed 1 year ago

stefansaasen commented 1 year ago

Given the following CREATE TABLE statement:

    col1 INTEGER,
    col2 INTEGER,
    col3 INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2)

A call to db.schema.columnDefinitions(table: "t") should return three ColumnDefinitions where the column definitions for col1 and col2 are marked as being part of the primary key.

Instead, only the first column is marked as being part of the primary key.

Example test case (e.g. in SchemaReaderTests):

    func test_columnDefinitions_composite_primary_keys() throws {
        CREATE TABLE t (
          col1 INTEGER,
          col2 INTEGER,
          col3 INTEGER,
          PRIMARY KEY (col1, col2)

            try schemaReader.columnDefinitions(table: "t"), [
                    name: "col1",
                    primaryKey: .init(autoIncrement: false),
                    type: .INTEGER,
                    nullable: true,
                    defaultValue: .NULL,
                    references: nil),
                    name: "col2",
                    primaryKey: .init(autoIncrement: false),
                    type: .INTEGER,
                    nullable: true,
                    defaultValue: .NULL,
                    references: nil),
                    name: "col3",
                    primaryKey: nil,
                    type: .INTEGER,
                    nullable: true,
                    defaultValue: .NULL,
                    references: nil)

The test fails, as the second column is not detected as being part of the composite primary key.

This is due to the following line:

The PRAGMA table_info that is used to return the column definitions, returns one row for each defined column. The pk column contains:

... either zero for columns that are not part of the primary key, or the 1-based index of the column within the primary key).


A possible fix could be to change that line to:

    primaryKey: (row[TableInfoTable.primaryKeyColumn] ?? 0) > 0 ?

Build Information

stefansaasen commented 1 year ago

See for a possible fix.

stefansaasen commented 1 year ago

1217 was merged to master, so I guess this can be closed.

cc @NathanFallet

nathanfallet commented 1 year ago

You're right. I didn't see your PR was not marking this issue for auto fix (using "Fix #..." in the PR description)

stefansaasen commented 1 year ago

Good point. I've created another issue and a possible fix and linked them in both directions now.