Hello, when I run the mavlink-router module alone, it can be used normally. The specific message is as follows:
cat@lubancat:~/Rpanion-server/flightlogs/tlogs$ mavlink-routerd -e
mavlink-router version v3
Opened UART [4]serial0: /dev/ttyACM0
UART [4]serial0: speed = 115200
Opened UDP Client [5]local:
Opened UDP Client [7]CLI:
Opened TCP Server [9] [::]:5760
But when I use Rpanion-server to enable mavlink-router, the CPU usage increases abnormally, and I cannot use the ground station to receive mavlink messages. The packet loss rate is very high. The message is as follows:
Opened Router
New Tlog: /home/cat/Rpanion-server/flightlogs/tlogs/20190214-190113.tlog
Saved FC settings
19:01:13 ✨ request completed POST 200 /api/FCModify 113ms
stderr: mavlink-router version v3
Opened UART [4]serial0: /dev/ttyACM0
UART [4]serial0: speed = 115200
Opened UART [5]CLI: /dev/ttyACM0
UART [5]CLI: speed = 115200
Opened UDP Client [6]local:
Opened UDP Client [8]CLI:
Opened UDP Client [10]CLI:
Logging target system_id=1 on 00030-2019-02-14_19-01-13.ulg
Current log is: /home/cat/Rpanion-server/flightlogs/binlogs/00030-2019-02-14_19-01-13.ulg
Vehicle is S/C: 1/1
stderr: MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
stderr: MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
stderr: MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
stderr: MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
MAV_CMD_LOGGING_START result(3) is different than accepted
Hello, when I run the mavlink-router module alone, it can be used normally. The specific message is as follows:
But when I use Rpanion-server to enable mavlink-router, the CPU usage increases abnormally, and I cannot use the ground station to receive mavlink messages. The packet loss rate is very high. The message is as follows:
How can I solve the above problem?