[+D+] chrome_child.dll DLL loaded into process 3144 at address 0x59C70000
[-D-] Unable to resolved chrome_child.dll!v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseFloat
I can use windbg to load the symbol successfully:
0:011> .reload /f chrome_child.dll
*\ WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for E:\asan-win32-release-300063\chrome_child.dll
0:011> x chrome_child!stringparsefloat
5c1e6860 chrome_child!v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseFloat ()
Hi stephenfewer,
Have you tried chrome asan version? I found it can't resolved the symbol, though I have change the symbols_dir! http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-asan/index.html?prefix=win32-release/
$symbols_dir = 'E:\asan-win32-release-300063'
[+D+] chrome_child.dll DLL loaded into process 3144 at address 0x59C70000 [-D-] Unable to resolved chrome_child.dll!v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseFloat
I can use windbg to load the symbol successfully: 0:011> .reload /f chrome_child.dll *\ WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for E:\asan-win32-release-300063\chrome_child.dll 0:011> x chrome_child!stringparsefloat 5c1e6860 chrome_child!v8::internal::Runtime_StringParseFloat ()