stephenholzman / tidyusafec

An R wrapper for the OpenFEC API that features tidy cleaning.
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Individual Itemized sum discrepancy with total individual itemized #13

Open stephenholzman opened 6 years ago

stephenholzman commented 6 years ago

Testing on Will Hurd, transaction_id's SA11AI.27345 and SA11AI.28956 are causing issues.

Their memo code indicates they're part of the total, but they're not individuals so filters are pushing them out causing a $2000 discrepancy. Trying a combination of memo_code, is_indivudal, and entity_type to figure out how to correctly arrive at the total retrieved with get_candidate_totals. They have individual donors in related transaction_ids.

Testing on other candidates, more coherent description of the issue coming after.

stephenholzman commented 6 years ago

is_individual is supposed to be the authoritative flag to match with the totals. Filed an issue with OpenFEC, hopefully will help improve the docs at the very least.