stephenlb / nodejuice

Automatic browser refresh on file change or update is what you can call it. NodeJuice is a set of tools which allows you to develop with a push connection to your web browser. JavaScript V8 Seeker Server and Web Server Gateway Interface. nodeJuice Seeker Server works with all other servers including Apache, Passenger, Nginx, Cherokee, and more. A web server isn't required, NodeJuice comes with one in case you forgot yours. It runs on NodeJS; a low level non-blocking network ready process with many capabilities. This is a tool that every web developer needs and has wanted for a very long time. IRC @ #node.js
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Kill comand help is displayed after using Ctrl + C to stop nodejuice #10

Open cyberalex4life opened 10 years ago

cyberalex4life commented 10 years ago

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but this is what I get on ubuntu 14.04 amd64 after stopping nodejuice:

Sidekick Server(14854)

Seeker Server(14855) { host: null , port: 8010 , fetch: { host: "localhost" , port: 80 } } { host: null , port: 8002 , delay: 90 , wait: 500 , browser: { navigate: false , scroll: { lkp: "yes" , sync: "yes" , speed: 200 } } , add: true , remove: true , touch: true , access: false , bits: true , save: true , dir: true , ignore: [{ } , { } , { } , { } , { } , { } ] } ^C

nodejuice shuting down... goodbye

Usage: kill [options] [...]


[...] send signal to every listed -, -s, --signal specify the to be sent -l, --list=[] list all signal names, or convert one to a name -L, --table list all signal names in a nice table -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit For more details see kill(1).
stephenlb commented 10 years ago

Seems like the pid killer isn't working. do you still have ~node~ pids running after?

cyberalex4life commented 10 years ago

I checked if there is any node* proccess after and it isn't.

cyberalex4life commented 10 years ago

Ok, two node processes are usually started by nodejuice. I saved their pids from gnome-system-monitor, and, after killing nodejuice, I ran ps -p !pid!

This command doesn't show anything after killing nodejuice.

cyberalex4life commented 10 years ago

I mention that I use nodejs v0.10.25 from ubuntu repositories, and it is linked in symlinks folder to node

stephenlb commented 10 years ago

Ah, so this sounds like it IS working indeed, but there's a side effect output somewhere that's not captured.