stephenlb / nodejuice

Automatic browser refresh on file change or update is what you can call it. NodeJuice is a set of tools which allows you to develop with a push connection to your web browser. JavaScript V8 Seeker Server and Web Server Gateway Interface. nodeJuice Seeker Server works with all other servers including Apache, Passenger, Nginx, Cherokee, and more. A web server isn't required, NodeJuice comes with one in case you forgot yours. It runs on NodeJS; a low level non-blocking network ready process with many capabilities. This is a tool that every web developer needs and has wanted for a very long time. IRC @ #node.js
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Express and jade #6

Open AdamGerthel opened 12 years ago

AdamGerthel commented 12 years ago

Nodejuice has potential to be a very useful prototyping tool

Does it work with express and jade files (instead of .html)?

stephenlb commented 12 years ago

Hi Adam @AdamGerthel!

Yes. NodeJuice can proxy to any web server. Including other Node.JS Express servers. The way to do this is to edit the nodejuce.js config file and point the host to your web server IP/PORT. Like This:

exports.sidekick = {
    host  : null, // Leave 'null' to listen on localhost (
    port  : 8010, // access auto-refresh URL from this port.
    fetch : {     // point to your web server.
        host : 'localhost', // <-- point this to NODE.JS EXPRESS
        port : 8080         // <-- point this to NODE.JS EXPRESS