stephenlb / spoken

Spoken - JavaScript Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text for AI Artificial Intelligence Apps
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React Native #5

Closed phillipnunes closed 5 years ago

phillipnunes commented 5 years ago


Do you know if it works with React Native? I built a simple app and imported your lib with spoken.say('Hello there!');, but when I run in the android smartphone, it is not returning sound or any errors.

Thanks, Phillip.

stephenlb commented 5 years ago

This may work in Cordova/PhoneGap and is unlikely to work with ReactNative. ReactNative builds native-views rather than web-views.

stephenlb commented 5 years ago

You may be able to add a hidden webview in your reactnative app which should make this work.

stephenlb commented 5 years ago - webview for react native

phillipnunes commented 5 years ago

Ok, I will take a look.
