stephenlb / webrtc-sdk

WebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile SDK - A simplified approach to RTCPeerConnection for mobile and web video calling apps.
MIT License
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Open source signalling server for local networks? #35

Open alioguzhan opened 7 years ago

alioguzhan commented 7 years ago


We are building a local audio and messaging system. There is no internet connection. Just LAN. So, is there any open source signalling server for this webrtc-sdk, so we can install and run our own system without connecting pubnub's servers?


mikezucc commented 7 years ago

If you open webrtc-v2.js, you can see the list of google STUN/ICE servers that it uses. You could probably fork and modify webrtc-v2.js to provide your own list

mikezucc commented 7 years ago

and then swap out the socket usage here with your own. will be a bit of work