stephenlb / webrtc-sdk

WebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile SDK - A simplified approach to RTCPeerConnection for mobile and web video calling apps.
MIT License
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Issue in windows 7 latest chrome #49

Closed Hamadme50 closed 6 years ago

Hamadme50 commented 6 years ago

i just test it on windows 7 chrome and it is not working in windows 7 latest chrome

stephenlb commented 6 years ago

Thank you! Do you have the URL you tested?

Hamadme50 commented 6 years ago

i have made a Pakistani chat rooms chatting site i have implement your Webetc sdk in it. i will sent you test user credentials to test it. thanks user: calltest1 pass: 12345 user: calltest2 pass: 12345

stephenlb commented 6 years ago

Hi! It looks like it is working. All packets are exchanged successfully. However it seems that the audio is not being bound to a render element. You may be missing a step in your usage. Can you test to see if it works on this page: with chrome on windows 7? This is a good demo which is a known working demo.

Hamadme50 commented 6 years ago

I have tested i have windows 10 it is working fine with even my own url above. Now the issue is some of my users useing windows 7 and able to do audio i have checked their system with team-viewer they are on latest chrome.

stephenlb commented 6 years ago

This WebRTC SDK will not work with audio if one of the users is on a Double NAT. You will need to find a turn server to broker the audio connection in this case. is a good provider of turn servers for WebRTC Audio/Video brokering.

Hamadme50 commented 6 years ago

Thanks i will test it