stephenlb / webrtc-sdk

WebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile SDK - A simplified approach to RTCPeerConnection for mobile and web video calling apps.
MIT License
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Are DataChannels supported? #6

Open erichlof opened 9 years ago

erichlof commented 9 years ago

Hi @stephenlb , In your repo's list of supported WebRTC features, there is no mention of WebRTC DataChannels. Are they supported, say if I wanted to use them for creating peer-to-peer network games? Thanks!

stephenlb commented 9 years ago

Howdy! Good question technically they are supportable but are not included with this SDK. A few modifications could bring that feature in and expose this capability.

erichlof commented 9 years ago

@stephenlb , Thanks for the response. In that case, could I put in an official feature request then, in order for this SDK to support DataChannels? I like the new Phone-style SDK with phone numbers, etc.. - Up until now I have been using the older SDK:

However, with your new API, it would be nice to 'Dial' up a friend, and then be able to send Data over DataChannels to play a simple P2P network game.

Please let me know if it is possible to add this feature, and if you need any testing help. I would be glad to offer assistance, if needed. Thanks!

stephenlb commented 9 years ago

Hi @erichlof thank you for the official feature request. I'll add this to the list and see when I can add this feature in! DataChannels is actually a common request :+1:

erichlof commented 9 years ago

Thank you @stephenlb ! :) Here's a link to a small game I made using the old SDK, to give you an idea of a real use-case for this requested feature: It would be nice to update the network code to the new SDK for clarity and re-usability sake.