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Confusing English translation in example sentence for 野山 #12

Closed Morgawr closed 8 months ago

Morgawr commented 8 months ago

I've been trying to pay more attention to the example sentences provided just so I can try and contribute to the project, but I'm not sure if filing issues here is the best place. If not, please let me know what would be a better place.

Anyway in the entry for 野山:

馬の背にまたがり野山を走り回った。 I rode around the country on horseback.

I think "country" is very misleading here, without context/understanding of what the sentence is actually saying it sounds like going around a "state" or "nation" rather than "country" as in the "countryside" meaning.

The minimum change that I think would be acceptable in this sentence is to change "country" to "countryside". I still think "countryside" doesn't quite work as well for 野山 but it's an adequate translation at least.

stephenmk commented 8 months ago

Well there's an error reporting category in the github discussions tab now. There's not much of a difference whether things are reported here or there (I get notified just the same either way), but that's technically the designated place for it now.

The minimum change that I think would be acceptable...

If there's a better translation that you'd like to see, feel free to include it as well. The few Japanese-to-English dictionaries that I have all define 野山 as some variation of "fields and mountains" or "fields and hills" which are pretty direct translations. Since those are already glosses in the JMdict entry, I think "countryside" is okay to have in the example sentence.

I added a new translation "I rode all over the countryside on horseback." and linked it to the JMdict sentence. The process for updating the sentences is slower than regular JMdict updates (which occur daily), so it might be a couple weeks before the change shows up in a new version of Jitendex.

Thanks for the report.