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Hide bullets in Yomitan glossaries with only one gloss #63

Closed stephenmk closed 7 months ago

stephenmk commented 7 months ago

For example, the glosses for senses ③⑤⑧⑨⑩⑪ in the entry for もと do not need bullets.

Now that Yomitan supports the padding-left style, I can implement this effect cleanly. I've tried to do something like this in the past by changing these lists to div or span elements when they only contained one gloss, but that caused some issues with yomichan's "compact glossaries" mode.

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stephenmk commented 7 months ago

There are some situations where this looks odd (senses ① and ⑤ of 読む, for example). But I think these situations are fewer than the situations where having the bullet looks odd.

Though if I index some new example sentences to these senses, it probably won't look so bad.


stephenmk commented 7 months ago

Implemented in version 4.2