stephenmk / Jitendex

A free, offline, and openly licensed Japanese-to-English dictionary. Updates weekly!
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Monochrome theme #77

Open stephenmk opened 6 months ago

stephenmk commented 6 months ago

Feedback received from a user:

the crazy clashing tag colors and distracting elements in jitendex were driving me mad hate the ugly tags and miscellaneous crap everywhere

I do think it might be good to put together a more monochromatic theme that tones down some of the brightness of the tags. It could be added to the "guides" section of my website along with the other style customizations.

watatomo commented 6 months ago

I'll mention that the inline styles make it harder to style the theme, especially since I use a custom color scheme (Catppuccin, lol). Also, it's probably just me, but I prefer it when all the tags are on the same line rather than separating the dictionary source and the others.

stephenmk commented 6 months ago

the inline styles make it harder to style the theme

Yomitan doesn't have style classes. Inline styles are the only way to embed styles into the dictionary file. I have added various data attributes to the markup that users can target with their custom CSS selectors. See the example custom styles in the wiki.

I prefer it when all the tags are on the same line rather than separating the dictionary source and the others

The "dictionary source" tags are part of the Yomitan user interface, and the other tags are from the dictionary markup. They cannot be displayed together. There can also be multiple rows of "other tags" within a single entry. It wouldn't look good if I moved only the first "noun" tag in the entry for 壁 to the same line as the dictionary source tags.
