stephenou / fruitionsite

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Fruition URLs forward to's pages #156

Open stklik opened 2 years ago

stklik commented 2 years ago

TL;DR serves

When calling a URL that does not exist in the page (e.g. /blog or /customers) the worker directly fetches and serves's website.

A (bad) quick fix for basic URL paths is to add them to the SLUG_TO_PAGE and make sure that /blog is intercepted and forwarded to something I prefer: 'blog': 'my_base_hash' However, it evidently does not work as URL prefix matcher for subpage URLs. This means that even if you add 'customers': 'a_page_hash' to SLUG_TO_PAGE, the script will intercept (as expected), but forward . Thus, currently an exhaustive blocking of's URLs does not work (well... you could technically constantly monitor for addition of a new URL route by

Has anybody a smarter way of blocking forwards to the pages? Two solutions come to mind:

suggestions / opinions / solutions welcome...

stklik commented 2 years ago

Update, I added a few lines to the script to make sure 'robots.txt' returns a few disallowed pages:

      if (url.pathname === "/robots.txt") {
            return new Response(`
User-agent: *
Disallow: /api/
Disallow: /blog/
Disallow: /community/
Disallow: /customers/
Disallow: /guides/
Disallow: /help/
Disallow: /pages/
Disallow: /releases/
Disallow: /startups/
Disallow: /templates/
Disallow: /webinars/
Disallow: /wikis/
Disallow: /wiki/

Sitemap: https://${MY_DOMAIN}/sitemap.xml

The URLs are still active though :-/ so it's not a fix. Still hoping somebody can point me to a real solution.

stklik commented 2 years ago

I noticed that #162 has a similar workaround solution (except for it's blocking them) Workaround is in this comment: