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Issue with Google Search Console / indexing #49

Open philfreo opened 3 years ago

philfreo commented 3 years ago

My site seems to be working fine to me, however it doesn't seem to be indexed by Google and my attempt at submitting it via Google Search Console show that Google thinks the page is 404ing.

Any ideas?

philfreo commented 3 years ago

Same issue in the Bing search console. Some notion headers are being returned, however somehow both Google and Bing are getting a 404 despite the page working fine for me.

BennoKrojer commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with mine. In general it doesn't work I think, for my friend as well.

philfreo commented 3 years ago

I went with instead

rohanb2090 commented 3 years ago

I went with instead

Can you tell me the exact steps you took to migrate from Fruition to Loconotion? I have run into the same indexing issues and I can't seem to fix it.

It would be really helpful.

ThallyssonKlein commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem here

ThallyssonKlein commented 3 years ago

Any updates?

shyjal commented 3 years ago

Try to fetch your site as the google bot.

You can see Notion is blocking google and bing's user agent. 404 is not something fruition is doing. Maybe extra code can bypass this.

bigansh commented 2 years ago

Having the same issue.

jschang19 commented 2 years ago

Agree with @shyjal , it is the robots.txt setting that blocks the Google Bot from indexing. If wanting to make the site that built with Fruition indexable, you have to upgrade to the Pro plan to turn on "Search Engine Indexing" option in "Share" menu ( or use an education plan instead ).

Without turning on the index option in Notion Page share menu, the website will become 404 when being indexed by Search Engine. That is why you may see 404 code in Google Search Console.

There might be some method to bypass the default setting, but I have not found it yet. Just sharing what I got now. I was struggling to this issue.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Can confirm that enabling "Search Engine Indexing" works for me as well! You'll need to do this for all your top level pages (the root pages in the sidebar) that you want indexed but it'll cascade down to the child pages.

Thanks for the tip!

gardssh commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. I have the indexing on in notion, but the page does not index anywhere (even after I added it to search console). I checked the website @shyjal posted, and see that my main page ( gives a "301 Moved Permanently" error, but the page is a 200 OK and is fetchable. Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?

jschang19 commented 2 years ago

Fruition actually uses the 301 redirection with Cloudflare. That's why you'll see the 301 code on It is normal, and won't impact the crawling process.

In normal, that doesn't impact the result of indexing for googlebot. The Search Engine can still reach the final page if you turn on the "Search Engine Indexing" in Notion. The 301 doesn't matter. Unless you had seen the 5** code error in Search Console.

In my case, my Notion page is also redirected ( showing 301 on ), but it is still be indexed by Google.

I would suggest you pull a url request in Search Console, checking the real-time state of googlebot. If seeing the success message, then your page will be indexed.

TaoGasnier commented 2 years ago

Hello, i got the same issue, and i can confirm that my site is not indexed :

The crazy thing is that my main site is indexed by google...

Here the search console error : image Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?

vlafriday commented 1 year ago

Hello, i got the same issue, and i can confirm that my site is not indexed :

  • This site work with a subdomain of :
  • I enabled "Search engine indexing" from notion.

The crazy thing is that my main site is indexed by google...

Here the search console error : image Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?

Did you do something special for site? Or did two sites do the same?

shiden-JP commented 1 year ago

As @shyjal indicated, changing the User-Agent would solve the problem. How about rewriting around line 113 as follows.

} else {
    var rq2 = Object.assign({}, request.headers);
    rq2['accept-language'] = 'ja_JP';
    rq2['user-agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36';
    response = await fetch(url.toString(), {
      body: request.body,
      headers: rq2,
      method: request.method,

This is in Japanese, but I wrote an article with some modifications to Fruition. I hope it will be helpful.

vlafriday commented 1 year ago

Hi @shiden-JP, wow, it seems to be working. Can you do that article in English? Thank you very much

As @shyjal indicated, changing the User-Agent would solve the problem. How about rewriting around line 113 as follows.

} else {
    var rq2 = Object.assign({}, request.headers);
    rq2['accept-language'] = 'ja_JP';
    rq2['user-agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36';
    response = await fetch(url.toString(), {
      body: request.body,
      headers: rq2,
      method: request.method,

This is in Japanese, but I wrote an article with some modifications to Fruition. I hope it will be helpful.

vlafriday commented 1 year ago

@shiden-JP I'm just a beginner, so sometimes I can have mistakes 😄 If possible, it would be very cool if you posted your final code with all the edits. Thanks