Thanks for this awesome resource. Was super easy to follow along.
Ran into a small issue - not sure if it'll get resolved in the next 24 hours or not (may take time for everything to refresh), but I figured I'd ask just in case.
I had my domain name "" previously linked to my GitHub domain of
Now that I followed your fruition steps, it takes me back to the Github Pages error.
I made sure to go on my old GitHub website and change the Cname and anything else that was making use of the URL
I also went on NameCheap to make sure it wasn't linked there, I only have the Cloudflare nameservers on there
The URL it's redirecting me to right now is:
Which is essentially the domain name, and it adds in the Notion page number at the end.
So it gives an error: 404 There isn't a Github Pages site here...
In short:
Anyway, I copied and pasted the code as the tutorial showed. I'm going to attach it here so you can take a look
Thank you in advance!!
/ Step 1: enter your domain name like /
const MY_DOMAIN = '';
Step 2: enter your URL slug to page ID mapping.
The key on the left is the slug (without the slash)
The value on the right is the Notion page ID
const SLUG_TO_PAGE = {
'' : '3205056b3ce9427ebb06889fcb9a5a19',
/ Step 3: enter your page title and description for SEO purposes /
const PAGE_TITLE = 'Branden Bedoya technical credentials website';
const PAGE_DESCRIPTION = 'Showcasing all of Branden Bedoyas projects showcasing technical skills';
/ Step 4: enter a Google Font name, you can choose from
const GOOGLE_FONT = 'Montserrat';
/ Step 5: enter any custom scripts you'd like /
const CUSTOM_SCRIPT = ``;
html: true
async function appendJavascript(res, SLUG_TO_PAGE) {
return new HTMLRewriter()
.on('title', new MetaRewriter())
.on('meta', new MetaRewriter())
.on('head', new HeadRewriter())
.on('body', new BodyRewriter(SLUG_TO_PAGE))
Thanks for this awesome resource. Was super easy to follow along.
Ran into a small issue - not sure if it'll get resolved in the next 24 hours or not (may take time for everything to refresh), but I figured I'd ask just in case. I had my domain name "" previously linked to my GitHub domain of Now that I followed your fruition steps, it takes me back to the Github Pages error. I made sure to go on my old GitHub website and change the Cname and anything else that was making use of the URL I also went on NameCheap to make sure it wasn't linked there, I only have the Cloudflare nameservers on there
The URL it's redirecting me to right now is: Which is essentially the domain name, and it adds in the Notion page number at the end. So it gives an error: 404 There isn't a Github Pages site here... ################################################################## In short:
This is my Notion webpage link: This is the URL I want to redirect it to The error: This is where it's trying to redirect to (which it shouldn't be): HTTP:// This is where it ends up going to (a page that doesn't exist):
Anyway, I copied and pasted the code as the tutorial showed. I'm going to attach it here so you can take a look
Thank you in advance!! ###################################################################
/ Step 1: enter your domain name like / const MY_DOMAIN = '';
The value on the right is the Notion page ID */ const SLUG_TO_PAGE = { '' : '3205056b3ce9427ebb06889fcb9a5a19', };
/ Step 3: enter your page title and description for SEO purposes / const PAGE_TITLE = 'Branden Bedoya technical credentials website'; const PAGE_DESCRIPTION = 'Showcasing all of Branden Bedoyas projects showcasing technical skills';
/ Step 4: enter a Google Font name, you can choose from / const GOOGLE_FONT = 'Montserrat';
/ Step 5: enter any custom scripts you'd like / const CUSTOM_SCRIPT = ``;
const PAGE_TO_SLUG = {}; const slugs = []; const pages = []; Object.keys(SLUG_TO_PAGE).forEach(slug => { const page = SLUG_TO_PAGE[slug]; slugs.push(slug); pages.push(page); PAGE_TO_SLUG[page] = slug; });
addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(fetchAndApply(event.request)); });
function generateSitemap() { let sitemap = '';
(slug) =>
(sitemap +=
'https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/' + slug + ' ')
sitemap += ' ';
return sitemap;
const corsHeaders = { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, OPTIONS', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type', };
function handleOptions(request) { if (request.headers.get('Origin') !== null && request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Method') !== null && request.headers.get('Access-Control-Request-Headers') !== null) { // Handle CORS pre-flight request. return new Response(null, { headers: corsHeaders }); } else { // Handle standard OPTIONS request. return new Response(null, { headers: { 'Allow': 'GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, OPTIONS', } }); } }
async function fetchAndApply(request) { if (request.method === 'OPTIONS') { return handleOptions(request); } let url = new URL(request.url); url.hostname = ''; if (url.pathname === '/robots.txt') { return new Response('Sitemap: https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/sitemap.xml'); } if (url.pathname === '/sitemap.xml') { let response = new Response(generateSitemap()); response.headers.set('content-type', 'application/xml'); return response; } let fullPathname = request.url.replace("https://" + MY_DOMAIN, ""); let response; if (url.pathname.startsWith('/app') && url.pathname.endsWith('js')) { response = await fetch(url.toString()); let body = await response.text(); response = new Response(body.replace(/, MY_DOMAIN).replace(/, MY_DOMAIN), response); response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/x-javascript'); return response; } else if ((url.pathname.startsWith('/api'))) { // Forward API response = await fetch(url.toString(), { body: request.body, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36' }, method: 'POST', }); response = new Response(response.body, response); response.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); return response; } else if (slugs.indexOf(url.pathname.slice(1)) > -1) { const pageId = SLUG_TO_PAGE[url.pathname.slice(1)]; return Response.redirect('https://' + MY_DOMAIN + '/' + pageId, 301); } else { response = await fetch(url.toString(), { body: request.body, headers: request.headers, method: request.method, }); response = new Response(response.body, response); response.headers.delete('Content-Security-Policy'); response.headers.delete('X-Content-Security-Policy'); }
return appendJavascript(response, SLUG_TO_PAGE); }
class MetaRewriter { element(element) { if (PAGE_TITLE !== '') { if (element.getAttribute('property') === 'og:title' || element.getAttribute('name') === 'twitter:title') { element.setAttribute('content', PAGE_TITLE); } if (element.tagName === 'title') { element.setInnerContent(PAGE_TITLE); } } if (PAGE_DESCRIPTION !== '') { if (element.getAttribute('name') === 'description' || element.getAttribute('property') === 'og:description' || element.getAttribute('name') === 'twitter:description') { element.setAttribute('content', PAGE_DESCRIPTION); } } if (element.getAttribute('property') === 'og:url' || element.getAttribute('name') === 'twitter:url') { element.setAttribute('content', MY_DOMAIN); } if (element.getAttribute('name') === 'apple-itunes-app') { element.remove(); } } }
class HeadRewriter { element(element) { if (GOOGLE_FONT !== '') { element.append(`
`, { html: true }); } element.append(``, { html: true }) } } class BodyRewriter { constructor(SLUG_TO_PAGE) { this.SLUG_TO_PAGE = SLUG_TO_PAGE; } element(element) { element.append(` ${CUSTOM_SCRIPT}`, { html: true }); } } async function appendJavascript(res, SLUG_TO_PAGE) { return new HTMLRewriter() .on('title', new MetaRewriter()) .on('meta', new MetaRewriter()) .on('head', new HeadRewriter()) .on('body', new BodyRewriter(SLUG_TO_PAGE)) .transform(res); }