stephenscaff / react-animated-cursor

An animated custom cursor React component.
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Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style') on app refresh #14

Closed Havock94 closed 1 year ago

Havock94 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm having an issue that randomly appears while refreshing my app. The error is

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style') at (index.umd.js?5799:209:1)

    var animateOuterCursor = React.useCallback(function (time) {
      if (previousTimeRef.current !== undefined) {
        coords.x += (endX.current - coords.x) / trailingSpeed;
        coords.y += (endY.current - coords.y) / trailingSpeed; = "".concat(coords.y, "px");   // is null, hence the error = "".concat(coords.x, "px");

My app.js returns the following component

return (
        <DotRing />

and the DotRing component simply returns

return (
        color={ cursorColor }

Do you have any idea on how to fix this? Thank you!

stephenscaff commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry for delay i responding. Guess I've been pretty heads down on work stuff.

I've can't seem to replicate this. Can you give me more info on your environment, or ideally, share a reduced test case?


rajmahil commented 2 years ago


I had a similar issue. Are you using Next.js with dynamic importing for the cursor? If so, try importing through a regular import statement. That seemed to work for me.

stephenscaff commented 2 years ago

When I originally built this, using with Next required a dynamic import. But I refactored to make that not needed (hopefully). But a refactor after that probably reintroduced the dynamic import requirement - probably from the useEventListener hooks's default to window.

So, use a dynamic import for now.

In app.js / app.tsx

const AnimatedCursor = dynamic(() => import('react-animated-cursor'), {
  ssr: false

I can look at removing this requirement though.