stephenscaff / react-animated-cursor

An animated custom cursor React component.
ISC License
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Check if cursorOuterRef is null #55

Closed IanDestura closed 7 months ago

IanDestura commented 7 months ago


Add condition to check if the cursorOuterRef is still define or not to avoid error in console


A third-level heading

stephenscaff commented 7 months ago

Can you provide a bit more details on how you're producing this?

What's your config and environment look like?

I can't reproduce, but I also don't see any issues with your fix, so more than happy to add the check.

stephenscaff commented 7 months ago

So, turns out, this was a great callout and the issue went beyond your check.

Used Next's linting config which exposed a few other errors/warnings that I addressed with #58

About to merge that in and deploy to npm. Let me know if that fixes you issues.
