stephenscaff / react-animated-cursor

An animated custom cursor React component.
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Apply custom style when hit a target #57

Open Mohamed-Ahmed-Abdullah opened 7 months ago

Mohamed-Ahmed-Abdullah commented 7 months ago


Is there is a way to apply a certain style to the outer when it hit a clickable? for example I want it to be green without border normally but when it's over a link it should have border with no fill and it scale as well. I hope the border animation still work as well.

I tried to use the clickables option with target. This is a simple try to change the color to red when it's over a link, but it doesn't work, not sure what am I missing. I tried to use color and outerStyle both didn't work.

Can you help please.

        color="0, 233, 0"
            target: ".custom",
            options: {
              //color: "233, 0, 0",
              outerStyle: { backgroundColor: "red" },
stephenscaff commented 7 months ago

Have you tried using CSS variables and simply updating those on hover? Check the docs about Dynamic Styles.

See if that works?

Mohamed-Ahmed-Abdullah commented 7 months ago

Hi Stephen Scaff,

Those Styles are nice but they don't allow me to specify a style for the "outer" when it's hovering over an a tag.

Can't seem to figure out how to use them to do that, I prepared this may you please help

krozzi commented 2 months ago

did you ever figure this out @Mohamed-Ahmed-Abdullah

Ozneeee commented 2 months ago

Here is your solution @Mohamed-Ahmed-Abdullah & @krozzi .

First remove your clickable object and add this one :

clickables={[ { target: ".YOUR ELEMENT CLASS HERE", innerStyle: { background: "#763590", // purple first dot }, outerStyle: { background: "#1E8E20", //green second dot }, options: { // add size innerSize: 30, outerSize: 40, }, }, ]}