stephenslab / ipynb-website

Simple data science website using Jupyter notebooks.
MIT License
66 stars 29 forks source link

Running Index HTML updater: Failed to execute .sos/update-hp_0_514172bd.bat #13

Closed Asrst closed 3 years ago

Asrst commented 5 years ago

Got the following error while trying to build, following the instructions on readme page. at the step: sos run release.sos -s force

INFO: Running Configure website:
INFO: default_1 is completed.
INFO: Running Build website:
INFO: Running Index notebook generator:
INFO: update-index is completed.
INFO: output:   analysis\_index.ipynb setup\_index.ipynb... (5 items)
INFO: Running Jupyter HTML template updater:
INFO: update-tpl is completed.
INFO: output:   docs\analysis.tpl docs\setup.tpl... (6 items)
INFO: Running Index HTML updater:

D:\jupyter-blog>jupyter nbconvert setup\index.ipynb --output D:\jupyter-blog\docs\setup.html --template docs/index.tpl

D:\jupyter-blog># sed -i 's/ class="prompt input_prompt" 0<div 1>In  & nbsp;\[[0-9]\]: docs\setup.html 0<\/div 1>//g'

D:\jupyter-blog>if [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]; then
WARNING: Substep update-hp (id=2ff8b78819a25ba8e5c207405d28acd9, index=0) returns an error. Terminating step after completing 4 submitted substeps.

D:\jupyter-blog>jupyter nbconvert license\index.ipynb --output D:\jupyter-blog\docs\license.html --template docs/index.tpl

D:\jupyter-blog># sed -i 's/ class="prompt input_prompt" 0<div 1>In  & nbsp;\[[0-9]\]: docs\license.html 0<\/div 1>//g'

D:\jupyter-blog>if [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]; then

D:\jupyter-blog>jupyter nbconvert notes\index.ipynb --output D:\jupyter-blog\docs\notes.html --template docs/index.tpl

D:\jupyter-blog># sed -i 's/ class="prompt input_prompt" 0<div 1>In  & nbsp;\[[0-9]\]: docs\notes.html 0<\/div 1>//g'

D:\jupyter-blog>if [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]; then

D:\jupyter-blog>jupyter nbconvert protected\_index.ipynb --output D:\jupyter-blog\docs\protected.html --template docs/index.tpl

D:\jupyter-blog># sed -i 's/ class="prompt input_prompt" 0<div 1>In  & nbsp;\[[0-9]\]: docs\protected.html 0<\/div 1>//g'

D:\jupyter-blog>if [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]; then

D:\jupyter-blog>jupyter nbconvert analysis\index.ipynb --output D:\jupyter-blog\docs\index.html --template docs/index.tpl

D:\jupyter-blog># sed -i 's/ class="prompt input_prompt" 0<div 1>In  & nbsp;\[[0-9]\]: docs\index.html 0<\/div 1>//g'

D:\jupyter-blog>if [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]; then
ERROR: [d06d7c26-9e29-4342-b4d9-b5c59ff1509a]: [update-hp]: [(id=2ff8b78819a25ba8e5c207405d28acd9, in]:
Failed to execute  .sos/update-hp_0_514172bd.bat
exitcode=255, workdir=D:\jupyter-blog
Failed to execute  .sos/update-hp_1_440c83ab.bat
exitcode=255, workdir=D:\jupyter-blog
Failed to execute  .sos/update-hp_2_9f29eeea.bat
exitcode=255, workdir=D:\jupyter-blog
Failed to execute  .sos/update-hp_3_aa29d71d.bat
exitcode=255, workdir=D:\jupyter-blog
Failed to execute  .sos/update-hp_4_44376a7b.bat
exitcode=255, workdir=D:\jupyter-blog
[update-hp + update-nb + update-wf + upda]: 5 pending steps: update-nb, update-wf, update-toc, update-search, remove-obsolete
[default]: 1 pending step: default_4

hp@DESKTOP-4BGMC29 MINGW64 /D/jupyter-blog (master)
gaow commented 5 years ago

@Asrst Looks like you are using Windows but some of our workflow are based on bash that might need Linux? I just pushed an update that explicitly requires using bash to run the commands. Please check out the latest master and see if it works; if still not i'm afraid we'll hvae to resort on using docker to run it on Windows (which we havent done yet)