stephenslab / ipynb-website

Simple data science website using Jupyter notebooks.
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RuntimeError: Not all files have been downloaded #4

Closed sid-verma closed 6 years ago

sid-verma commented 6 years ago

Since I don't have permissions to reopen an issue that was closed, I opened a new one. I've updated the files from v0.9.2 and now I get the following error.

INFO: Executing default_0:
INFO: input:   []
INFO: output:   []
INFO: Executing default_1: build ipynb website ...
INFO: input:   []
INFO: Executing download-jnbinder:
INFO: input:   [] <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:777)>:
ERROR: [6e0c763c-777f-4e32-ad59-f88a821d3fdf]: [download-jnbinder ['jnbinder-master/READ]: RuntimeError: Not all files have been downloaded
[setup-jnbinder]: 1 pending step: setup-jnbinder_0
[default]: 1 pending step: default_2

I'm kinda lost here, as I have not worked with jnbinder before. Thanks!

gaow commented 6 years ago

@sidv1993 I think the culprit is this line

<urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:777)>:

It indicates some download failure. Google this error message leads to some interesting posts suggesting possible issues with Python on Mac which I will later come back to comment on.

But this should not happen because once you have cloned the repository you should have all files in place and there is no need to download anything. Could you confirm you are indeed working with the fully cloned repo?

sid-verma commented 6 years ago

@gaow Yes, I have cloned the entire repo. However, I have both Python 2.7 and Python 3.6 installed on my machine. If it is an issue with Python on Mac, then it could be due to the version conflict.

gaow commented 6 years ago

I am on the go right now. Will be back to my desk in 1hr. In the meantime could you please cd to docs folder, type python3 in it, then type

from jnbinder import compare_versions

And report back here the error message?

sid-verma commented 6 years ago

Sure. I ran the command and got ImportError: No module named dateutil.parser and running pip3 install python-dateutil solved it! Thanks @gaow and @pcarbo for the help!

gaow commented 6 years ago

Hmm it did not occur to me dateutil.parser requires separate installation! Thanks for catching this @sidv1993. I just updated the script to respond more properly to such missing module errors. There is no need to update on your end though, if it works for you.