stephenslab / ldshrink

ldshrink: a one-stop R package for shrinkage estimation of linkage disequilibrium
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External sources of genetic maps #13

Open xiangzhu opened 6 years ago

xiangzhu commented 6 years ago

Below are links to several genetic maps that I have used in my past work. After discussing with Peter (see Issue #3 ), it seems fine to include these external data in LDshrink as long as we properly cite these data. To make LDshrink a one-stop package for LD-related calculation, I think we should include all these files in the package (if possible).

Genetic maps listed in IMPUTE v1

Genetic maps created by Pickrell

Note that these maps have very straightforward format:

$ head genetic_map_CEU_chr16.txt
position CEU_rate(cM/Mb) Genetic_Map(cM)
24045 0 0
24170 0.3020482 0
25057 0.3020482 0.0002679168
25065 0.2846052 0.0002703331
25561 0.2782453 0.0004114973
25658 0.2782453 0.0004384871
28165 0.2782453 0.001136048
29475 0.2794324 0.001500549
31010 0.2794324 0.001929478
xiangzhu commented 5 years ago

Both LDSC and LDAK people have included cleaned genetic maps (source unknown at this point) along with their software packages.

LDSC genetic maps

Source: PLINK bim format:

$ head -n 5 1000G.EUR.QC.9.bim
9   rs565232463 -0.054748466    12704   T   C
9   rs577055820 -0.054746525    12705   T   C
9   rs560178079 -0.052324129    13953   G   A
9   rs56270338  -0.05230666 13962   C   T
9   rs200377821 -0.050649027    14816   G   C

LDAK genetic maps


$ head -n 5 genetic_map_chr22_combined_b37.txt
position COMBINED_rate(cM/Mb) Genetic_Map(cM)
16051347 9.6640973708 0
16052618 9.7078062447 0.0123386217370137
16053624 9.7138922111 0.0221107973013803
16053659 9.716343506 0.0224508693240903