stephenslab / susieR

R package for "sum of single effects" regression.
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check_null_threshold #197

Closed jerome-f closed 9 months ago

jerome-f commented 12 months ago


what is the behavior of check_null_threshold=0 from the previous commits this was changed from check_null_tol=0.1, how does it affect the credible sets? The explanation in docs is cryptic. Is setting check_null_threshold=0.1 more strict? i.e. will lead to less false discoveries?

Best Jerome

jerome-f commented 12 months ago

reason I am bringing this up is cos I am running into a issue

Error in if (loglik(0, betahat, shat2, prior_weights) + check_null_threshold >=  : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Calls: susie ... single_effect_regression -> optimize_prior_variance
Execution halted

susie ran with individual level data (pheno and dosage) with the following setting:

susie( X, y, L = 30, \
       estimate_prior_method = "EM", \
       verbose = T, refine = T, max_iter = 1000) 
pcarbo commented 11 months ago

@jerome-f Just to check whether the problem is indeed due to estimating the prior variance, does the error go away if you set estimate_prior_variance = FALSE?

Setting check_null_threshold > 0 will have the effect of pruning the CSs slightly more aggressively.

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

Setting the gave estimate_prior_variance = FALSE me an error in ELBO

[1] "objective:-34159.5469366425"
[1] "objective:-34159.546639484"
Error in if ((elbo[i + 1] - elbo[i]) < tol) { : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Calls: susie -> susie
Execution halted 
pcarbo commented 11 months ago

@jerome-f So the issue does not seem to be the estimation of the prior. If you set L to a smaller value, such as L = 10, does it still produce an error?

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

Set the L=5 and still get the same errors. elbo[i+1] is going to NA, and likely checking for it somewhere in the eblo module or single_effect_regression module might help catching this.

pcarbo commented 11 months ago

Okay, thanks for troubleshooting. If you can share your data set here, or by email if you prefer, we would be happy to track down the exact source of the error and update susieR with a more useful error message.

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

@pcarbo attaching the data here, I have anonymized the sample and the variant ids. column_1 is sample_id, column_2 is Y (phenotype), column_3...column_N is X (per snp dosage)

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

Just granted you access. Let me know if you have trouble accessing

pcarbo commented 11 months ago

@jerome-f Thanks — can you please instead share this as an .RData file with the inputs needed to call susie (X, y)?

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

Also the same data was finemapped with FINEMAP resulting in 9 credible sets (8.9). Also this data is among the loci that takes forever to converge

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

@pcarbo shared file in .rds

the following should work ...

data <- readRDS("annonymized_data_for_test.rds")
fit <- susie(as.matrix( data[, -seq( 2 ), with = F ] ), data[[ 2 ]], 
               L = 10, estimate_prior_method = "EM", 
               verbose = T, refine = T, max_iter = 1000)
pcarbo commented 11 months ago

@jerome-f I ran this and it worked (no error):

dat <- readRDS("annonymized_data_for_test.rds")
X <- as.matrix(dat[,-c(1,2)])
markers <- 7300:7400
X <- X[,markers]
y <- dat$PHENOTYPE
fit <- susie(X,y,L = 10, estimate_prior_method = "EM",
             verbose = TRUE,refine = FALSE,max_iter = 10)

However, when I set refine = TRUE then I got an error:

Error in if (loglik(0, betahat, shat2, prior_weights) + check_null_threshold >=  :
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Can you confirm?

Note I am using susieR 0.12.37.

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

@pcarbo I will try with refine = FALSE I ran with refine=TRUE so something is going wrong in the refinement step?

pcarbo commented 11 months ago

@jerome-f Yes, exactly, there must be a bug somewhere in the refinement step. If you don't mind, I will leave this Issue open as a reminder to fix the bug.

jerome-f commented 11 months ago

Thanks and yes please keep this open

pcarbo commented 9 months ago

@jerome-f Apologies for the delay. This should be fixed now. Can you please try again with the latest version of susieR on GitHub?

jerome-f commented 9 months ago

Will try it out. Thanks for fixing this.

jerome-f commented 9 months ago

Hi Peter,

The bug is fixed and I think we can close this.

Best Jerome

pcarbo commented 9 months ago

Thanks for checking.