stephini / SMAS_Launcher

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[BUG]: I cant launch the launcher #22

Closed Evanator05 closed 1 year ago

Evanator05 commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug

When I try to launch the launcher I get this error

Traceback (most recent call last): File "launcher.pyw", line 731, in File "launcher.pyw", line 728, in main File "launcher.pyw", line 626, in create_launcher_window File "", line 2136, in wm_iconbitmap _tkinter.TclError: bitmap ".\assets\icon.ico" not defined

Reproduction Steps

open the launcher with the 2 roms in the same folder

Expected Behavior

I expect the launcher to open

Actual Behavior

the launcher doesnt open

Operating System

Windows 11



stephini commented 1 year ago

so.. this was dumb of me. rename it to launcher.exe and it should fix itself. the issue is that it checks the filename of the executable it's meant to be a safety valve for determining if you are running the python script or the executable but apparently it's a double edged sword for renaming.

lionelr96 commented 1 year ago

I had a similar problem but upon renaming the file, all I see is a blank blue window alongside a smaller white window saying "Error: Failed to play audio"... any fix for this?

Evanator05 commented 1 year ago

I had a similar problem but upon renaming the file, all I see is a blank blue window alongside a smaller white window saying "Error: Failed to play audio"... any fix for this?

the issue is that the library they use for audio doesn't install properly, even if you try installing it with pip it doesn't work

stephini commented 1 year ago

Evan this is not correct. They were using the exe, which has the modules baked in. Also the sound is handled by pygame so it's doubly not the case. The issue is when you are using exe it must be named launcher.exe any other error will cause it to fail detecting the assets folder. The error the reply had is because an asset wasn't being copied. latest version addresses this and many other issues.