stephpy / timeline-bundle

Symfony2 bundle to make timeline
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Unresolved References #183

Closed chugas closed 9 years ago

chugas commented 9 years ago

I have an Entity User with a field deleted of type boolean. When I want to remove a User I set deleted = 1. I would like to know how can I filter this in the results of the timeline.

For Example:

\Entity\User:1 | comment | \Entity\Article:2 | of | \Entity\User:2 \Entity\User:2 | comment | \Entity\Article:7 | of | \Entity\User:1 \Entity\User:1 | comment | \Entity\Article:7 | of | \Entity\User:3

Table User id | name | deleted 1 | Ana | 0 2 | Maria | 1 3 | Jose | 0

and expected result:

\Entity\User:1 | comment | \Entity\Article:7 | of | \Entity\User:3

stephpy commented 9 years ago


You could add a POST filter, or more globally a Doctrine filter as Gedmo SoftDeletable does.

chugas commented 9 years ago

Thank you!

stephpy commented 9 years ago

You're welcome. :)