stephpy / timeline-bundle

Symfony2 bundle to make timeline
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Support for Doctrine 2.5 #187

Closed rande closed 6 years ago

rande commented 9 years ago

The bundle breaks with the new Doctrine 2.5 release

The query generated by TimelineManager::getTimeline fails with Doctrine 2.5 due to a wrong alias. From the following code, ORDER BY t0_.created_at_2 DESC query should be inside the select:

        $qb = $this->getBaseQueryBuilder($options['type'], $options['context'], $subject)
            ->select('t, a, ac, c')
            ->innerJoin('t.action', 'a')
            ->leftJoin('a.actionComponents', 'ac')
            ->leftJoin('ac.component', 'c')
            ->orderBy('t.createdAt', 'DESC')

But if you look to the generated query, it seems to be used outside the inner select.

      t0_.context AS context_0, t0_.type AS type_1, 
      t0_.created_at AS created_at_2, AS id_3, 

      t1_.verb AS verb_4, t1_.status_current AS status_current_5, t1_.status_wanted AS status_wanted_6, 
      t1_.duplicate_key AS duplicate_key_7, t1_.duplicate_priority AS duplicate_priority_8, 
      t1_.created_at AS created_at_9, AS id_10, 

      t2_.type AS type_11, t2_.text AS text_12, AS id_13, 
      t3_.model AS model_14, t3_.identifier AS identifier_15, t3_.hash AS hash_16, AS id_17 

    FROM timeline__timeline t0_ 

    INNER JOIN timeline__action t1_ ON t0_.action_id = 
    LEFT JOIN timeline__action_component t2_ ON = t2_.action_id 
    LEFT JOIN timeline__component t3_ ON t2_.component_id = 

      t0_.type = "timeline" 
      AND t0_.context = "SONATA_ADMIN" 
      AND t0_.subject_id = 1
  ) dctrn_result
ORDER BY t0_.created_at_2 DESC
stephpy commented 9 years ago

Mmh, do you see an other way to define an order by in a Doctrine QueryBuilder ?

It seems pager does not work ...

rande commented 9 years ago

@stephpy it is a possible regression in Doctrine. Can you provide a simple reproducible case to report to the Doctrine's team ?

ppetermann commented 9 years ago

did anything happen on this? like was it reported to doctrine? any link to that issue?

mpclarkson commented 9 years ago

I've had a load of problems with doctrine 2.5 as it includes some BC breaks. I've hard coded my dependency as follows, which has solved all my issues:

"doctrine/dbal": "2.4.3 as 2.5",

jschroed91 commented 8 years ago

Looks like there was a fix for this merged into doctrine's master branch (, but I'm still waiting for it to be merged into the 2.5 branch and tagged.

Here's the issue in JIRA:

OskarStark commented 8 years ago

it is tagged now in 2.5.1 :

mpclarkson commented 8 years ago

Argh... I literally just debugged this and rolled back to 2.4.3 again half an hour ago!

greg0ire commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to upgrade, and am using 2.5.5, and still experience the bug reported by @rande

core23 commented 7 years ago

Any news here?

stephpy commented 7 years ago

I didn't found time to fix it. If you find a solution, a PR is welcome.

schurtertom commented 7 years ago

composer.json "doctrine/orm": "^2.5",

will give me this error:

if I use doctrine/orm v2.4.8 it is working, but not an option, since I have then other problems with other bundles. Do you have any time to fix this bug?

OskarStark commented 7 years ago

the link was broken:

schurtertom commented 7 years ago

@OskarStark thank you!

schurtertom commented 7 years ago

I did some research and found a solution:

/vendor/stephpy/timeline-bundle/Driver/ORM/TimelineManager.php Line 42


->orderBy('t.createdAt', 'DESC')


->orderBy('', 'DESC')

an other possibility would be adding createdAt to the t query.

core23 commented 6 years ago

Look like it is fixed in doctrine/orm 2.6.0