stephpy / timeline-bundle

Symfony2 bundle to make timeline
193 stars 57 forks source link

Dependencies and Additional tests #206

Closed KoriSeng closed 6 years ago

KoriSeng commented 6 years ago

Fixed dependencies issues for testing. Changes to chr line feed to cross-platform php constant Added test for add spread compiler

Overall low priority to merge in.

KoriSeng commented 6 years ago

Also you might want to remove 5.3 from travis. Cause support from the trusty image doesn't do php 5.3, 5.6 might be a good thing, since 5.6 is the final version of php5, while adding support for php 7+ on travis might be a good idea

stephpy commented 6 years ago

Indeed, i'll remove php 5.3 tests in travis. Thanks.

stephpy commented 6 years ago

Tests are now green 🍻

stephpy commented 6 years ago

I'll take some time soon to implement php 7.0/7.1