With the introduction of custom User models, there is no longer any need for a built-in mechanism to store user profile data.
You can still define user profiles models that have a one-to-one relation with the User model - in fact, for many applications needing to associate data with a User account, this will be an appropriate design pattern to follow. However, the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE setting, and the get_profile() method for accessing the user profile model, should not be used any longer.
Presumably the rest of the project should just work? I don't see any extra models in django admin even after trying this setting:
AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE works because we don't use the get_profile method. You will not see any extra models because the profile is added as an inline to the auth.User model.
Are there any special considerations when using Django 1.5, presumably:
Would not work any more because of:
From https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.5/releases/1.5/#auth-profile-module
Presumably the rest of the project should just work? I don't see any extra models in django admin even after trying this setting: