stephy / CalendarPicker

CalendarPicker Component for React Native
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Day touch targets are small with default styles #136

Open 8enmann opened 5 years ago

8enmann commented 5 years ago

Makes it hard to press them. Why not have TouchableOpacity fill the Day component?

8enmann commented 5 years ago

makeStyles.dayButton.height = '100%' makeStyles.dayButton.width = '100%' works way better

peacechen commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the PR. Setting the width & height to 100% causes the highlighted circle to be distorted. It depends on the container's width & height and how the CalendarPicker auto scales to fit within it.


Is there another container to apply that 100% size to without affecting the selected highlight?

8enmann commented 5 years ago

Updated PR

peacechen commented 5 years ago

It's still distorting the date highlight with the change to selectedDayLabel.

Also need to test custom date styles:

8enmann commented 5 years ago

Sorry, won't have time for this for a while.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 10:03 AM Peace wrote:

It's still distorting the date highlight with the change to selectedDayLabel.

Also need to test custom date styles:

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AgrYpn1a commented 2 months ago

@8enmann @peacechen Hey any updates with this? I was able to increase the size of touch targets by setting width and height to 100%, however, now the date numbers are miss aligned, they're not centered anymore.