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Scene launch with absolute path is empty #369

Open odellus opened 5 months ago

odellus commented 5 months ago

I've followed the installation instructions to the letter after first installing CoppeliaSim and I've also confirmed that I can open the scene_panda_reach_target.ttt scene file in examples with CoppeliaSim.

For some reason when says

pr.launch(SCENE_FILE, headless=False, responsive_ui=True)

the scene in CoppeliaSim is missing the robot, so of course the program errors out when we say agent = Panda() because there is no robot in the scene. Could it have to do with anything in the message back when I run the above command?

QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   Application directory is /home/thomas/Downloads/CoppeliaSim_Pro_V4_6_0_rev18_Ubuntu22_04
WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread.
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   user settings file is /home/thomas/.CoppeliaSim/usrset.txt
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   CoppeliaSim v4.6.0 (rev. 18), flavor: 2, linux
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   plugin simIK0: loading...
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   plugin simIK0: done.
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   primary screen physical dots per inch: 106
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   display scaling (guessed): 100
WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread.
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   loaded the video compression library.
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   if CoppeliaSim crashes now, try to install libgl1-mesa-dev on your system:
    >sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev
[CoppeliaSim:loadinfo]   OpenGL: AMD, Renderer: REMBRANDT (rembrandt, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.54, 6.5.0-26-generic), Version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.2
[CoppeliaSim:unknown]   Legacy machine ID: 5000-7BEB-FFC4-9C6B-F7EB-441D
[CoppeliaSim:unknown]   Machine ID: 5DE5-3B4E-F804-0000-5248-0102
odellus commented 5 months ago

Looks like I'm using the wrong version of CoppeliaSim. Closing.