stepjam / RLBench

A large-scale benchmark and learning environment.
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Adding a new robot into RLBench #173

Open diegomaureira opened 2 years ago

diegomaureira commented 2 years ago

Hello!, like you said in the swapping arms section: "Don't see the arm that you want to use? Your first step is to make sure it is in PyRep, and if not, then you can follow the instructions for importing new arm on the PyRep GitHub page. After that, feel free to open an issue and we can being it in to RLBench for you". I already imported a new arm to PyRep, I made a pull request but I don't have any answer yet. I need to bring that arm to RLBench, Could you help me please?. Now, I am working on importing the entire robot into PyRep, so in the future I will need help again. Thanks in advance.

Bailey-24 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Do you fix the problem? Can you tell us how to do this? How to import fetch robot in RLBench?


myszm888 commented 8 months ago

@Bailey-24 Hello, Have you successfully imported the robot? I also want to try to import it, but I am not sure whether it will be successful? Thanks.