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How can I use ur3 in gym.make? #230

Open ChenyangRan opened 1 month ago

ChenyangRan commented 1 month ago

Hi, I want to change the Panda into UR3 when using the env = gym.make('reach_target-state-v0', render_mode='human'). But it seems that even if I make changes into env = Environment( action_mode, obs_config=obs_config, headless=False, robot_setup='ur5') in 37 /rlbench/gym/ it still doesn't work, can you tell me how to add ur3 to the environment and be able to call it via gym.make.

ChenyangRan commented 1 month ago

I have add the ur3.ttm as ur5.ttm. But when I launch the, the error happends. image