stepjam / RLBench

A large-scale benchmark and learning environment.
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quesionts when run the rlbench.gym #75

Closed ChenyangRan closed 4 years ago

ChenyangRan commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for your project. I have some questions when using rlbench.gym.

  1. The windows always is created and shows the observatioins when env.step() although I have annotation the env.render(). Could you please tell me how to stop creating and showing when I using rlbench.gym? I just want to use it in headless mode.
  2. Also, I'm using the rlkit to test the rlbench, which recommands two envs for exploration and evaluation. But it seems that the rlbench.gym cannot launch them in one terminal at the same time, could you help me ?
  3. Another question is that I cannot save the logs when running the rlbench.gym. The error is : image I guess the reason is the main process is rlbench.gym, then I launch another process to save the parameters. Could you please give me some advice?

Thanks and looking forward your replay.

stepjam commented 4 years ago


  1. It sounds like you are using 'human' rendering. If you want headless, then you instead need to call render with mode 'rgb_array', as you would with a standard gym env.

  2. I don't know about rlkit specifically, but you need to make sure that gym.make (which in turn launches a RLBench/CoppeliaSim instance) is called inside each new process. I imagine rlkit is not doing this.

  3. What are you trying to log? If is the parameters of the network then thats a question for rlkit rather than rlbench.

All the best, Stephen

ChenyangRan commented 4 years ago


  1. It sounds like you are using 'human' rendering. If you want headless, then you instead need to call render with mode 'rgb_array', as you would with a standard gym env.
  2. I don't know about rlkit specifically, but you need to make sure that gym.make (which in turn launches a RLBench/CoppeliaSim instance) is called inside each new process. I imagine rlkit is not doing this.
  3. What are you trying to log? If is the parameters of the network then thats a question for rlkit rather than rlbench.

All the best, Stephen

Thanks, the 3rd question is that the rlkit need to log the parameters of env, and I have solved annotated it and works well. As for the 2nd question, I just need to launch one env and use this one. Thanks for your advice!