stepjam / RLBench

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Sawyer arm - tip location problematic #94

Closed bibbygoodwin closed 4 years ago

bibbygoodwin commented 4 years ago


I have opened this same issue in PyRep ( Feel free to close whichever is in the less appropriate place!


TL;DR: Sawyer 'tip' in middle of wrist, causes problems.

I first posted this problem on the RLBench discord channel a few months ago and was advised to make an RLBench issue.

In short: I get unexpected behaviour using the Sawyer robot in RLBench, which might stem from the PyRep model. Below are gifs of a corner reaching task, executed on the Panda and Sawyer. Though the waypoint target's Euler is (0,0,0), and though this is clearly reflected in the Panda solution, the Sawyer arm performs a strange rotation. sawyer_reach_corner_1 panda_reach_corner_00

I believe the explanation is that this is for collision avoidance (and it's possible that I'm not using the Euler restriction correctly, hence why a solution can be found at all). The reason collision avoidance is needed, I believe, is that the 'tip' of the Sawyer robot in PyRep is not defined, as it is for the Panda, as the space between the gripper fingers, but instead is a point in the middle of the wrist. The next 3 images show, respectively: 1st: the Panda 'tip' 2nd: the Sawyer tip seen from a distance (though selected in CoppeliaSim, you can't see anything) 3rd: a zoom-in on the Sawyer tip from the same viewpoint - it is found within the wrist, and appears to have an orientation 90º to that of the Panda.

panda_tip sawyer_tip sawyer_tip_zoomed

In terms of reproducibility, the gif is from a custom task, but you can see that an error occurs when using the sawyer, but not the panda, in a simple setting with the following (apologies for RLBench dependency):

from rlbench.environment import Environment
from rlbench.action_modes import ActionMode, ArmActionMode
from rlbench.tasks import ReachTarget
import numpy as np
action_mode = ActionMode(ArmActionMode.ABS_JOINT_VELOCITY)
env = Environment(action_mode, robot_configuration='sawyer')
task = env.get_task(ReachTarget)
demo = task.get_demos(1, live_demos=True)`

Running with env = Environment(action_mode) in place of env = Environment(action_mode, robot_configuration='sawyer') runs without incident and collects a Panda arm demo. With the Sawyer, I get the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/me/Code/RLBench/rlbench/", line 352, in get_demos
    amount, callable_each_step, max_attempts)
  File "/home/me/Code/RLBench/rlbench/", line 365, in _get_live_demos
  File "/home/me/Code/RLBench/rlbench/", line 87, in reset
    % self._task.get_name()) from e
rlbench.task_environment.TaskEnvironmentError: Could not place the task reach_target in the scene. This should not happen, please raise an issues on this task.
stepjam commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the issue. This is a RLBench issue so I'll close the other PyRep one. I'll try and get to this before the end of the week. Should be an easy fix :)