stepmania / stepmania-site

StepMania's Website, forums, etc.
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New users posts should be filtered through Akismet or be given more CAPTCHAs. #3

Open shakesoda opened 10 years ago

shakesoda commented 10 years ago

The spam problem is a real pain in the ass. Akismet is pretty damn good at filtering out the crap, so it might be good to run new user's posts through it until they've got 5-10 good ones.

SoonDead commented 10 years ago

I heard very good things about this from the wordpress community. It's very clever and actively maintained, filters nearly every spam with very few false positives.

A very basic autoban feature without any supervision would be sufficient at first.

Later a little more sophisticated solution could be developed where moderators can unspam posts and banned users can appeal in some way.