stepmania / stepmania

Advanced rhythm game for Windows, Linux and OS X. Designed for both home and arcade use.
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Crashing after Editing/Practicing Pump Charts. #1026

Open Kaiveran opened 8 years ago

Kaiveran commented 8 years ago

This happened twice. The first time I was Practicing a Singles chart, and upon opening it created an unholy cacophony of "file saved" sounds playing a million times, which stopped only upon playing the chart. The second was looking at a Double chart in edit mode, and this time it immediately said "Autosave Successful" at the top, with only one save sound. Both times, SM crashed when I tried to exit.

Here is the crash info for the second one (unfortunately don't have the first.)

StepMania5.0.10 crash report (build 4b39375, 20151031 @ 14:38:06)

Crash reason: Access Violation

Thread: Main thread FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Users/Kaivêran/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Songs/ Thread: Decode thread RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. Thread: Mixer thread Thread: Music thread RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Games/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Games/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Users/Kaivêran/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Themes/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Users/Kaivêran/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Users/Kaivêran/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/ Thread: Worker thread (MemoryCardWorker) Thread: Worker thread (/@mc1int/) Thread: Worker thread (/@mc2int/) Thread: DirectInput thread InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:773 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:749 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:768 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:773 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:749 Thread: Streaming sound buffering 015eb555: StepMania!01310000 0157f76c: StepMania!01310000 0146efbf: StepMania!01310000 014948b7: StepMania!01310000 0143f9c5: StepMania!01310000 0143fc86: StepMania!01310000 01446509: StepMania!01310000 015f2d27: StepMania!01310000 0139ebe1: StepMania!01310000 0143f9ae: StepMania!01310000 013a8c29: StepMania!01310000 77d4b598: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77d10000+3b260+338] 0168a2c0: StepMania!01310000 0139ead7: StepMania!01310000 77d3c530: ntdll!RtlRunOnceExecuteOnce [77d10000+2c4f0+40] 7648c367: KERNELBASE!InitOnceExecuteOnce [763d0000+bc350+17] 014f1fcc: StepMania!01310000 016d8c33: StepMania!01310000 016b156e: StepMania!01310000 77d4b4a9: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77d10000+3b260+249] 017d66e8: StepMania!01310000 0139ecc5: StepMania!01310000 01626328: StepMania!01310000 0162633e: StepMania!01310000 01410b0e: StepMania!01310000 013c865f: StepMania!01310000 0139e48f: StepMania!01310000 013a6092: StepMania!01310000 77d4dd20: ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap [77d10000+3dc00+120] 01701d6a: StepMania!01310000 01701a36: StepMania!01310000 017ba1e7: StepMania!01310000 77d75dae: ntdll!RtlUnicodeStringToInteger [77d10000+65b90+21e]

Static log: StepMania5.0.10 Compiled 20151031 @ 14:38:06 (build 4b39375) Log starting 2016-03-03 19:34:52 Loading window: win32 Windows 6.2 (Win8) build 9200 [] Memory: 2047mb total, 4095mb swap (4095mb swap avail) Video driver: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 [Intel Corporation], 5-27-2015 [pci\ven_8086&dev_0116] Drive: "WDC WD10JPVX-00JC3T001.0" Driver: storahci DMA: N/A Drive: "HL-DT-STDVDRAM GT51N SB03" Driver: storahci DMA: N/A Sound device 0: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti, 10.0, MID 1, PID 100 DirectSound Driver: Primary Sound Driver DirectSound Driver: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) {}.{5a9e5d5f-43d8-4eea-bfb3-4154ca95530e} DirectSound sample rates: 100..200000 (continuous) Software mixing at 44100 hz Sound driver: DirectSound-sw Lights driver: SystemMessage Lights driver: Export Video renderers: 'd3d,opengl' WARNING: RageDisplay_D3D::TryVideoMode( 1, 854, 480, 16, 0, 1 ) D3D Windowed 854x480 16 color 16 texture 60Hz Vsync SmoothLines DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000413 Instance Name: "Keyboard" Product Name: "Keyboard" DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000112 Instance Name: "Mouse" Product Name: "Mouse" Found 2 DirectInput devices: 0: 'Keyboard' axes: 0, hats: 0, buttons: 256 (buffered) 1: 'Mouse' axes: 3, hats: 0, buttons: 8 (buffered) WARNING: Background missing: Dance Vibrations.mpg Mixing underruns: 1 Players joined: P1 Top Screen: ScreenEdit Language: en Current renderer: Direct3D Theme: default

Partial log: 01:26.460: 8x 8 (10) _texture stripe (stretch).png 01:26.460: 64x256 ( 0) StepsDisplayGameplay frame.png 01:26.460: 1x 1 (110) blank 01:26.460: total 36084097 texels 01:26.460: PushScreen: "ScreenPrompt" 01:26.462: Zeroing this update. Was 0.047000 01:27.452: 25 FPS, 25 av FPS, 7476 VPF, D3D 01:27.758: Performing texture garbage collection. 01:27.758: C:\Repos\wolfmania\src\RageFileDriverDirect.cpp:156: remove 'C:/Games/StepMania 5/Songs/In The Groove 3/Dance Vibrations/Dance Vibrations.ats' 01:27.760: Zeroing this update. Was 0.038000

-- End of report

kyzentun commented 8 years ago

This is why it's bad for practice mode to use the same code as edit mode. I'm not sure practice mode every really worked reliably, it has so many problems.

kyzentun commented 8 years ago

I can't reproduce this crash at all. Not sure what info to ask for, so just try stuff and see if you can figure out more about how to make it happen.

Kaiveran commented 8 years ago

I have been investigating in Edit Mode. I won't go further today since I have some important stuff to get to, but so far it seems to only happen when there is a blank chart in play (the edit chart I looked at previously turned out to be blank.) Perhaps later I will play around with Practice some more.

Two things to note:

  1. I have somewhat of a history getting bugs in software that either only affect my system, or affect just a select few others.
  2. Also, I've edited for dance, pump, ez2, kb7, and (I think) para at one time or another, and pump is the only one that has given me these problems.

Take 1

Editing a new Pump Single Chart from Scratch. Receptors on screen flash. Again, save noise and "Autosave Successful". Edit some stuff and save manually. No crash.

Take 2

Go back into the same chart. Receptors flash again. No funny autosave business this time. Exit without doing anything. No crash.

Take 3

Create a new Single chart for the same song on another difficulty. Receptors on screen flash, funny autosave thing happens again Exit and it prompts me to save, so I do so (even though I have no notes to save, and it has apparently already saved the blank chart) Crash occurs.

StepMania5.0.10 crash report (build 4b39375, 20151031 @ 14:38:06)

Crash reason: Access Violation

Thread: Main thread Screen.cpp:164 ScreenMessage(SM_UpdateTextInfo) FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). FontManager.cpp:64 FontManager::UnloadFont(/Themes/_fallback/Fonts/_open sans semibold 24px.ini). Thread: Decode thread RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available. Thread: Mixer thread Thread: Music thread RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Games/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Users/Kaivêran/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Users/Kaivêran/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Games/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/ RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:230 C:/Users/Kaivêran/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/* Thread: Worker thread (MemoryCardWorker) Thread: Worker thread (/@mc1int/) Thread: Worker thread (/@mc2int/) Thread: DirectInput thread InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:773 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:749 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:768 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:773 InputHandler_DirectInput.cpp:749 Thread: Streaming sound buffering 006ab555: StepMania!003d0000 0063f76c: StepMania!003d0000 0052efbf: StepMania!003d0000 005548b7: StepMania!003d0000 004ff9c5: StepMania!003d0000 004ffc86: StepMania!003d0000 00506509: StepMania!003d0000 006b2d27: StepMania!003d0000 0045ebe1: StepMania!003d0000 004ff9ae: StepMania!003d0000 77d4b598: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77d10000+3b260+338] 0074a2c0: StepMania!003d0000 0045ead7: StepMania!003d0000 006802da: StepMania!003d0000 00798c33: StepMania!003d0000 0077156e: StepMania!003d0000 77d4b4a9: ntdll!RtlFreeHeap [77d10000+3b260+249] 008966e8: StepMania!003d0000 0045ecc5: StepMania!003d0000 006e6328: StepMania!003d0000 006e633e: StepMania!003d0000 004d0b0e: StepMania!003d0000 0045e48f: StepMania!003d0000 00466092: StepMania!003d0000 007c1d6a: StepMania!003d0000 007c1a36: StepMania!003d0000 0087a1e7: StepMania!003d0000 77d75dae: ntdll!RtlUnicodeStringToInteger [77d10000+65b90+21e]

Static log: StepMania5.0.10 Compiled 20151031 @ 14:38:06 (build 4b39375) Log starting 2016-03-04 17:31:49 Loading window: win32 Windows 6.2 (Win8) build 9200 [] Memory: 2047mb total, 4095mb swap (4095mb swap avail) Video driver: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000 [Intel Corporation], 5-27-2015 [pci\ven_8086&dev_0116] Drive: "WDC WD10JPVX-00JC3T001.0" Driver: storahci DMA: N/A Drive: "HL-DT-STDVDRAM GT51N SB03" Driver: storahci DMA: N/A Sound device 0: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti, 10.0, MID 1, PID 100 DirectSound Driver: Primary Sound Driver DirectSound Driver: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) {}.{5a9e5d5f-43d8-4eea-bfb3-4154ca95530e} DirectSound sample rates: 100..200000 (continuous) Software mixing at 44100 hz Sound driver: DirectSound-sw Lights driver: SystemMessage Lights driver: Export Video renderers: 'd3d,opengl' WARNING: RageDisplay_D3D::TryVideoMode( 1, 854, 480, 16, 0, 1 ) D3D Windowed 854x480 16 color 16 texture 60Hz Vsync SmoothLines DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000413 Instance Name: "Keyboard" Product Name: "Keyboard" DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000112 Instance Name: "Mouse" Product Name: "Mouse" Found 2 DirectInput devices: 0: 'Keyboard' axes: 0, hats: 0, buttons: 256 (buffered) 1: 'Mouse' axes: 3, hats: 0, buttons: 8 (buffered) WARNING: Background missing: Aliens in our Midst.mpg Mixing underruns: 1 Players joined: P1 Lost focus to: explorer.exe, notepad.exe Top Screen: ScreenEdit Language: en Current renderer: Direct3D Theme: home

Partial log: 18:52.526: 128x512 ( 0) _rave result P2.png 18:52.526: 128x512 ( 0) _rave result draw.png 18:52.526: 1x 1 (85) blank 18:52.526: total 41673793 texels 18:52.526: PushScreen: "ScreenPrompt" 18:52.526: RageSound: Load "/Themes/_fallback/Sounds/_missing.ogg" (precache: 0) 18:52.526: Zeroing this update. Was 0.037000 18:53.543: 26 FPS, 26 av FPS, 7640 VPF, D3D 18:53.899: Performing texture garbage collection. 18:53.900: Zeroing this update. Was 0.039000

-- End of report

kyzentun commented 8 years ago

Here's the fun part: After changing your game type to pump, clear your song cache. Then when you go into edit/practice mode again you'll notice that the blank edit chart for Dance Vibrations has disappeared.

Kaiveran commented 8 years ago

Finally back.

I didn't see any option to clear song cache, so I just Reloaded Songs/Courses, opened up the blank Dance Vibrations edit, then left without saving, to find that it had deleted itself.

So, yeah, that's odd. It reads a chart that doesn't really exist, and then crashes trying to write to it? That's my understanding of what's going on here.

This "ghost chart" was named NITENITEMARE. Is that some kind of fallback or behind-the-scenes dev name?

Good news is that so far, I haven't had any further problems with editing for Pump. I guess I'll just stay away from the "Practice" mode (which doesn't even let you access all the songs -_-)

Kaiveran commented 8 years ago

(Also, unrelated, but could you pweeeeze help me recover my Forum account? Password recovery emails are not working. I tried to bring it up on the issue tracker for the site, but it's been two weeks and I haven't gotten a response from highpressurebeverage)

kyzentun commented 8 years ago

I can't do anything about forum problems. shakesoda has known about that problem since launching the site and he's just ignored it, to the irritation of everyone else. All I can suggest is making a new forum account and setting the username.

shakesoda commented 8 years ago

@kyzentun actually, it worked at launch and I've got no idea why/when it stopped working (but it had nothing to do with a code change)

@Kaiveran either send me an email ( or message me yours on IRC and I'll reset it for you, sorry for the trouble. I just didn't see the email from the other repo.