steprescott / SCPStoreKitManager

Block based store kit manager for In-App Purchase on iOS 7, 8 & 9 with receipt validation.
MIT License
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No such file or directory for OpenSSL pod #20

Closed ashvardanian closed 9 years ago

ashvardanian commented 9 years ago

Here is my error message after pod inatall:

[!] /bin/bash -c '
'set\ -e'
'SDKVERSION\=\`xcrun\ --sdk\ iphoneos\ --show-sdk-version\ 2\>\ /dev/null\`'
'ARCHS\=\"i386\ x86_64\ armv7\ armv7s\ arm64\"'
'DEVELOPER\=\`xcode-select\ -print-path\`'
'mkdir\ -p\ \"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}\"'
'mkdir\ -p\ \"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}/bin\"'
'cp\ \"file.tgz\"\ \"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}/file.tgz\"'
'cd\ \"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}\"'
'tar\ -xzf\ file.tgz'
'cd\ \"openssl-\$\{VERSION\}\"'
'for\ ARCH\ in\ \$\{ARCHS\}'
'\ \ CONFIGURE_FOR\=\"iphoneos-cross\"'
'\ \ if\ \[\ \"\$\{ARCH\}\"\ \=\=\ \"i386\"\ \]\ \|\|\ \[\ \"\$\{ARCH\}\"\ \=\=\ \"x86_64\"\ \]\ \;'
'\ \ then'
'\ \ \ \ PLATFORM\=\"iPhoneSimulator\"'
'\ \ \ \ if\ \[\ \"\$\{ARCH\}\"\ \=\=\ \"x86_64\"\ \]\ \;'
'\ \ \ \ then'
'\ \ \ \ \ \ CONFIGURE_FOR\=\"darwin64-x86_64-cc\"'
'\ \ \ \ fi'
'\ \ else'
'\ \ \ \ sed\ -ie\ \"s\!static\ volatile\ sig_atomic_t\ intr_signal\;\!static\ volatile\ intr_signal\;\!\"\ \"crypto/ui/ui_openssl.c\"'
'\ \ \ \ PLATFORM\=\"iPhoneOS\"'
'\ \ fi'
'\ \ export\ CROSS_TOP\=\"\$\{DEVELOPER\}/Platforms/\$\{PLATFORM\}.platform/Developer\"'
'\ \ export\ CROSS_SDK\=\"\$\{PLATFORM\}\$\{SDKVERSION\}.sdk\"'
'\ \ echo\ \"Building\ openssl-\$\{VERSION\}\ for\ \$\{PLATFORM\}\ \$\{SDKVERSION\}\ \$\{ARCH\}\"'
'\ \ echo\ \"Please\ stand\ by...\"'
'\ \ export\ CC\=\"\$\{DEVELOPER\}/usr/bin/gcc\ -arch\ \$\{ARCH\}\ -miphoneos-version-min\=\$\{SDKVERSION\}\"'
'\ \ mkdir\ -p\ \"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}/bin/\$\{PLATFORM\}\$\{SDKVERSION\}-\$\{ARCH\}.sdk\"'
'\ \ LOG\=\"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}/bin/\$\{PLATFORM\}\$\{SDKVERSION\}-\$\{ARCH\}.sdk/build-openssl-\$\{VERSION\}.log\"'
'\ \ LIPO_LIBSSL\=\"\$\{LIPO_LIBSSL\}\ \$\{CURRENTPATH\}/bin/\$\{PLATFORM\}\$\{SDKVERSION\}-\$\{ARCH\}.sdk/lib/libssl.a\"'
'\ \ LIPO_LIBCRYPTO\=\"\$\{LIPO_LIBCRYPTO\}\ \$\{CURRENTPATH\}/bin/\$\{PLATFORM\}\$\{SDKVERSION\}-\$\{ARCH\}.sdk/lib/libcrypto.a\"'
'\ \ ./Configure\ \$\{CONFIGURE_FOR\}\ --openssldir\=\"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}/bin/\$\{PLATFORM\}\$\{SDKVERSION\}-\$\{ARCH\}.sdk\"\ \>\ \"\$\{LOG\}\"\ 2\>\&1'
'\ \ sed\ -ie\ \"s\!\^CFLAG\=\!CFLAG\=-isysroot\ \$\{CROSS_TOP\}/SDKs/\$\{CROSS_SDK\}\ \!\"\ \"Makefile\"'
'\ \ make\ \>\>\ \"\$\{LOG\}\"\ 2\>\&1'
'\ \ make\ all\ install_sw\ \>\>\ \"\$\{LOG\}\"\ 2\>\&1'
'\ \ make\ clean\ \>\>\ \"\$\{LOG\}\"\ 2\>\&1'
'echo\ \"Build\ library...\"'
'rm\ -rf\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}/lib/\"'
'mkdir\ -p\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}/lib/\"'
'lipo\ -create\ \$\{LIPO_LIBSSL\}\ \ \ \ -output\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}/lib/libssl.a\"'
'lipo\ -create\ \$\{LIPO_LIBCRYPTO\}\ -output\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}/lib/libcrypto.a\"'
'echo\ \"Copying\ headers...\"'
'rm\ -rf\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}/opensslIncludes/\"'
'mkdir\ -p\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}/opensslIncludes/\"'
'cp\ -RL\ \"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}/openssl-\$\{VERSION\}/include/openssl\"\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}/opensslIncludes/\"'
'cd\ \"\$\{BASEPATH\}\"'
'echo\ \"Building\ done.\"'
'echo\ \"Cleaning\ up...\"'
'rm\ -rf\ \"\$\{CURRENTPATH\}\"'
'echo\ \"Done.\"

cp: file.tgz: No such file or directory

What can I do with it?

ashvardanian commented 9 years ago

As I found, it is an issue with beta version of OpenSSL library packed in pod. Can you please setup usage of earlier OpenSSL pod in SCPStoreKitManager dependencies list?

steprescott commented 9 years ago

I believe that this issue has be solved by those who maintain the OpenSSL pod.