stepsolar / hassio-package-panel-solar

Package Panel Solar Optimizer Solaredge Home Assistant
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Installation package #1

Open marcazzan opened 1 year ago

marcazzan commented 1 year ago

Good morning I installed the package but it doesn't work, I followed the few lines you wrote but something is missing. first of all if I check the configuration it says :Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: Secret Panel1 not defined the secret is there and I connected my sensors optimizer but I get this error.

gferen commented 1 year ago

I dont realy understand isntructions, as alot is written in Italian. How this package will know that i have 17 panel, but only 8 is defined in pkg_solar? what is the secretes.yaml idea?

ddeconin-gh commented 1 year ago

Hi, Really love your package, however, as I'm not that experienced, the installation instructions aren't enough for me to get it working. Could you detail out some of the steps a bit more? For example, in step 1, where do I have to copy these from and to where do I need to copy them. In step 4, where do I get the files from? In step 5, I don't see an 'add planks' ..

Swee-github commented 1 year ago

Same here, great package but I can’t get it to work with the minimal instructions given - please elaborate a bit more to get this working. Thank you !

Swee-github commented 1 year ago

Hi, Really love your package, however, as I'm not that experienced, the installation instructions aren't enough for me to get it working. Could you detail out some of the steps a bit more? For example, in step 1, where do I have to copy these from and to where do I need to copy them. In step 4, where do I get the files from? In step 5, I don't see an 'add planks' ..

By planks a dashboard is meant You can copy the SVG-file from here and paste it in the /www/floorplan/solar/ folder, the panelsunpower.css file you have to create yourself

gferen commented 1 year ago

Well SVG is for one way oriented panel, that probalby owner has. how to expect from that SVG to be correctly displayed my 17 panels for example. SVG needed would be one vertival oriented and one horizontal, and to somehows assemble your panel configuration..... but as it seems this implemntation is the onlyone workikng. so patienlty waiting for more clear instructions.

Hintenhaus04 commented 1 year ago

same here, the instruction is very minimal.

krucka commented 7 months ago

I had similar issues, and once I added log_level: info under the config section, the debug console told me the issue was it couldn't find the panel.svg file. Turns out I uploaded the panel24.svg file instead, and updated the code and it works fine. I also initially went through and renamed all the entities to my actual entity names as the default in the code ..._1_1_1 for me was ...1_0_1. Changed all the sensor.power_1_1_1 to sensor.power_1_0_1 and sensor.lifetime_energy_1_1_1 to sensor.lifetime_energy_1_0_1 and also removed and additional sensors I don't need. I have 14 panels, so I removed any lines of code for panels greater than 14. Probably going to add more in the SVG as being an EE, I like to geek out on the electrical stuff and would like to see each panel's voltage and current as well.