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Write page: Etiquette > Willingness to learn #11

Open vmbrasseur opened 10 years ago

TardisPackrat commented 10 years ago

Whether you've been participating in technology for 2 weeks or 20 years, there's always something new to learn.

Never assume you know what's going on. Always ask questions if there is ANY doubt whatsoever.

Please remember that everyone else who is participating is in the same boat as you. We're all here to contribute and learn from our peers.

Even if it feels as though your questions are stupid, please do not be afraid to ask. You have no chance of learning if you don't ask the questions.

And let's face it: there's no such thing as a stupid question.

If you HAVE been doing this for a long time, please never forget that other people know things you do not.

Do not be an arrogant toad.

Do not become "that person".

TardisPackrat commented 10 years ago


TardisPackrat commented 10 years ago

Willingness to learn also means accepting a degree of humility.

We don't know everything. And it's galling to expose one's ignorance. Let's face it: it sucks to show that we don't know everything in the world.

The sad fact of the matter is that we DON'T know everything. If we did, we wouldn't need StepZero (or lots of other things).

There's no shame in ignorance. There's only shame in being so proud as to not to fix ignorance by seeking information.

Ask questions. You'll be glad you did.