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Write page: Etiquette > Patience #9

Open vmbrasseur opened 10 years ago

TardisPackrat commented 10 years ago

Most of the people who participate in open source have been doing it for a very long time. Many of them have forgotten what it's like to be a newbie.

They may be a bit terse or impatient in responses to your questions. Rather than taking it personally and reacting poorly, try to figure out if you asked something in a manner that is not acceptable rather than lashing out.

Open-source projects are, by definition, volunteer efforts. People do not always have the bandwidth to reply immediately to the necessary questions. If you ask a question, and nobody gets back to you quickly, wait a few days and follow-up as we all have lives outside of the project. Please bear with us.

TardisPackrat commented 10 years ago

The point of this is to think of other people's point-of-view and perspectives. We've all got lives going on outside of the project. It's important to respect that when seeking help and answers.

Let's face it: most people don't want to be rude and aren't really aiming to be offensive. We get caught up in the moment. Be aware of that when working on these projects and try to give people the benefit of the doubt.

You'll be glad you did.