stereobooster / react-snap

👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
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How do you add or exclude routes? #327

Closed whydna closed 5 years ago

whydna commented 5 years ago

1) Is it possible to define a list of routes? This is useful for routes which are not "linked" from any page - for example, landing pages for ad campaigns, etc.

2) Is it possible to exclude certain routes? This is useful for routes which have a lot of dynamic or private content, such as user account pages.

juanse254 commented 5 years ago

1.- Just add them to the include, "Include : ["/". "/dir/"] 2.-There is a PR for that but AFAIK @stereobooster won't merge it to master, i forked and merged the exclude routes and the allow third party domain PR. You can look it up on my profile.

The real question is, how can we crawl a page that is behind authentication? whenever i visit a dynamic page which wasn't crawled and i hit refresh i get a non found error.

stereobooster commented 5 years ago

yes @juanse254 is right.

  1. there is include option, to include pages. You need to use it only if crawler didn't catch some pages
  2. there is a PR for exclude options, but I have doubts about it so it is not merged. You can use fork (it is possible to install using github link)
FateRiddle commented 5 years ago

Just add them to the include, "Include : ["/". "/dir/"]

@stereobooster @juanse254 to what include? in package.json? This is so important yet nowhere found in readme.

stereobooster commented 5 years ago

in the package.json

"reactSnap": {
  "include" : ["/". "/dir/"]
vemundeldegard commented 5 years ago

I have a few follow up questions on how to include routes if that is ok :)

In my app it crawls the "/" (index) path, but does not crawl other paths in my Router. My app gets it's paths from a CMS. So on page load it loads the routes from the CMS Menu component like this:

{ => (
              <Route key={route._id} path={route.path} exact render={(props) => <Page {...props} isAuthed={true} />} />

Is there a way without using the "Include" option manually to make sure all is crawled?

How can I make it crawl my blog posts for example, that appears in my routes with a pathslug? <Route path="/blogg/:slug" exact component={Post} />. Some posts are crawled, but not all. I am not sure why.

stereobooster commented 5 years ago

If links are present in generated HTML then crawl should catch it, if it is not present it means that prerenderer didn't catch all the content. Maybe some fetch requests to your CMS failed. How do you handle failed requests? Put console log there or throw an error and it will be visible in logs.

You can use react-snap programatically

const { run } = require("react-snap");
  include: getAllMyRouteFromCMS()
vemundeldegard commented 5 years ago

Will cheak that out. Thanks!

I am noticing that even though the console logs on build that it has crawled a path, doesn't mean that it is actually crawled? I am not getting any static html.

crawled 3 out of 8 (/blogg/test-post)

stereobooster commented 5 years ago

If there is crawled 3 out of 8 (/blogg/test-post) and you don't have /blogg/test-post/index.html it means there is a bug, you can open issue

vemundeldegard commented 5 years ago

I don't have a direct /blogg/test-post/index.html file, but I do have /blogg/post.js which is my component for the blog posts which is accessed at /blogg:slug. Can that be the issue?

stereobooster commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure. You mean an issue with mkdir? Maybe. Do you have reproducible example?

vemundeldegard commented 5 years ago

You can check out this repo:

Live example of post that should be crawled:

vemundeldegard commented 5 years ago

I also tried this, but it fails to compile:

import { run } from "react-snap"

const RoutesFromSanity = () => {
  return ['/', '/kontakt-oss', '/blogg']

  include: RoutesFromSanity()

Failed to compile.

./node_modules/puppeteer/lib/WebSocketTransport.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'ws' in '/Users/vemundeldegard/gauc/node_modules/puppeteer/lib'

constantin-melniciuc commented 5 years ago

@stereobooster @juanse254 anybody could provide the link to the forked version with exclude? Would be super handy to have that option. Thanks.

juanse254 commented 5 years ago

The original exclude was from zephyr but I merged that and the thirdPartyDomain branch into my branch Cheers dude @JoraCardan