stereobooster / react-snap

👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
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AWS s3 configuration with routing for pages other than homepage #441

Closed LiranBri closed 4 years ago

LiranBri commented 4 years ago

Hello, I followed the instructions in the link quoted in the recipes, but I can't figure out how the S3 bucket should be configured. To be honest, I also don't quite understand how it SHOULD work in theory.

The index document is configured to be index.html which makes sense. so far, the error document was also configured to be index.html .. but now if I remove it, when the browser enters some page like /about I get:

Code: NoSuchKey Message: The specified key does not exist.

How can I configure it to serve the about.html page instead?

If I configure the Error Document to be 200.html then the page is loaded but in runtime and not using the static pre-built about.html page