stereobooster / react-snap

👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
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Add saveAsIndexHtml default(true) to allow saving routes as raw paths vs ROUTE/index.html #494

Closed dougnukem closed 3 years ago

dougnukem commented 3 years ago


closes #493

Allows HTML output to be configured to output to /ROUTE instead of /ROUTE/index.html

By default via:

saveAsIndexHtml: true

To have it output to /ROUTE:

saveAsIndexHtml: false
andyrichardson commented 3 years ago

@stereobooster how do you feel about this being merged in?

dougnukem commented 3 years ago

The danger with this it doesn't allow using nested URL paths e.g. you can't have a:


because you'd need a subfolder for /products/abc-123

I think it can work for some specific cases but it might be better to solve via your HTTP server / CDN / Cloudfront

For example if you host on Cloudfront you can use lambda@edge functions to server default index.html per subdirectory backed by S3:
